ChatGPT + Semrush: How to Use ChatGPT with Semrush for SEO Success

Semrush + ChatGPT: How to Use ChatGPT with Semrush for SEO Success

In today’s digital marketplace, combining powerful tools like ChatGPT and Semrush is a must for anyone looking to maximize their SEO success.

ChatGPT empowers content creators with its AI-driven capabilities to generate engaging copy and ideas. Meanwhile, Semrush provides a robust set of features for keyword research, content optimization, and competitor analysis.

By integrating the capabilities of these tools into your workflow, you can identify the right topics to target, generate optimized content, and gain an edge over your competition.

In this article, we will share four expert tips (with real-world examples) on maximizing the potential of your SEO strategy by effectively combining the forces of Semrush and ChatGPT.

Whether you are a seasoned marketer or just beginning to explore the world of SEO, these tips can help you drive more traffic to your website.

Important note: You’ll need to use both ChatGPT and Semrush to successfully apply these tips. Creating a ChatGPT account is free, and I strongly suggest signing up for a 14-day free trial of Semrush PRO if you don’t have an account. By doing so, you’ll gain complete access to all the powerful Semrush tools offered in the PRO plan.


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4 Actionable Ways to Use Semrush with ChatGPT

1. Content Ideation

Content ideation is where the magic happens! It’s all about coming up with awesome ideas and concepts to create valuable and engaging content.

When brainstorming ideas for your content, you can use a combination of Semrush’s keyword research feature and ChatGPT to come up with interesting topics.

Let’s take an example. Imagine you’re running a podcast about fitness and wellness. You want to brainstorm ideas for an episode that focuses on healthy meal planning.

Here’s how you can use Semrush‘s keyword research feature and ChatGPT to generate engaging content:

Start with Semrush:

Navigate to SEO Dashboard > Keyword Research > Keyword Magic Tool

Enter relevant keywords like “healthy meal planning,” “meal prep ideas,” or “nutrition tips.”

Semrush will provide you with a list of related keywords, search volume data, and keyword difficulty.

Semrush - Keyword Prompts

Review the keyword suggestions from Semrush and identify keywords that resonate with your target audience and align with your content goals.

Let’s say you find “easy meal prep for weight loss” as a relevant and popular keyword.

Semrush - Keyword Overview

Take the chosen keyword, “easy meal prep for weight loss,” and use it as a prompt for ChatGPT.

Ask ChatGPT to generate conversational queries or scenarios related to that topic.

For example:

  • “What are some simple meal prep recipes that aid in weight loss?”
  • “How can meal planning help with achieving weight loss goals?”
  • “What are some common mistakes to avoid while meal prepping for weight loss?”
ChatGPT Example - Meal Planning

Use ChatGPT’s responses as inspiration to explore various angles and perspectives on the topic. For instance, based on the generated scenarios, you can further dive into meal prep hacks, time-saving tips, and nutritional considerations.

Review the generated ideas from ChatGPT and select the most compelling ones that align with your podcast’s style and objectives. Organize them into a coherent structure, including an introduction, main talking points, and a conclusion.

By combining Semrush‘s keyword research feature with ChatGPT’s conversational prompts, you can uncover fresh perspectives and generate content ideas that resonate with your audience’s interests and search queries.

Related: How to Use Semrush for Keyword Research: The Definitive Guide

2. Content Creation

Once you’ve zeroed in on a potential content idea, you can leverage ChatGPT to generate a compelling copy, draft blog posts, and create social media captions.

Let’s say you have a fashion blog and want to create content about “Summer Fashion Trends” that showcases the latest styles, outfit ideas, and must-have accessories for the season.

Here’s how you can leverage Semrush and ChatGPT to enhance your content creation process:

Start by conducting keyword research in Semrush to identify popular search terms and phrases related to summer fashion trends.

Navigate to SEO Dashboard > Keyword Research > Keyword Manager

Enter your seed keyword phrase “summer fashion trends” in the search box to receive clusters of search queries sorted by topic, alongside search volume and keyword difficulty.

Keyword Manager - Keyword Clusters

Next, review the list of keyword clusters and pay special attention to search volume and Keyword Difficulty (KD) score for each keyword to prioritize your content focus.

Semrush Keyword Manager - Clusters of Keywords

From the list of keyword clusters, you discover that “summer fashion trends 2023” has a bunch of relevant keywords with high search volume and relatively low keyword difficulty score.

Semrush Keyword Manager - Summer Fashion Trends

Using this keyword phrase as your target, you can provide ChatGPT with a partial sentence or prompt, such as “Summer fashion trends for 2023 are all about…”

ChatGPT will generate coherent and creative responses, highlighting key trends like vibrant colors, flowy silhouettes, and sustainable fashion choices.

ChatGPT - Summer Fashion Trends

Refine the generated response based on your expertise and add personalized insights to create a captivating introduction or section within your blog post.

Using the initial response from ChatGPT, draft your blog post by expanding on the generated copy. Organize your content into sections, such as:

  • Color Trends for Summer
  • Must-Have Summer Wardrobe Essentials
  • Accessorizing for the Season

Give examples of outfits, provide fashion advice, and demonstrate how to incorporate the newest trends into everyday looks.

Finally, include images or visual inspiration to complement the written content.

To promote your blog post and engage your audience on social media platforms, you can use ChatGPT to create engaging captions that highlight the hottest summer fashion trends and entice viewers to read your blog.

ChatGPT - Social Media Captions

Don’t forget to customize the captions for different platforms, tailoring them to suit the respective audience and character limitations.

Related: How to Use Semrush to Maximize Your Content Marketing ROI

3. SEO Optimization

Semrush offers a range of SEO tools to optimize your content for search engines.

After generating your initial draft using ChatGPT, you can use Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant (SWA) to ensure your content adheres to SEO best practices.

SWA provides real-time suggestions on readability, keyword placement, and overall optimization, helping you refine your content for better search engine visibility.

Let’s continue with the previous example of “Summer Fashion Trends.”

Once you’ve refined the draft created with ChatGPT, visit the Semrush dashboard and navigate to:

Content Marketing > SEO Writing Assistant

Click on the “Analyze new text” button and paste your drafted content about “Summer Fashion Trends” into the tool.

SWA - Fashion Blog Post

The next step is to set the target keywords. In this case, you can set your focus keyword phrase “summer fashion trends,” and related keywords such as “summer wardrobe,” “summer beachwear,” and “sustainable fashion” as your target keywords within the SEO Writing Assistant.

SWA Keywords - Summer Fashion Trends

Alternatively, since Semrush’s Keyword Manager is integrated with SEO Writing Assistant, you could send your preferred keyword cluster directly to SEO Writing Assistant.

SWA Keyword Manager Integration

As you paste your content into the tool, the SEO Writing Assistant will analyze it and provide real-time suggestions for optimization. These suggestions may include adjusting the tone of voice, improving readability, or simplifying the text to make it more accessible.

SWA - Issues Highlighted

Suppose you’ve written a section about “Beachwear Essentials” in your blog post. The SEO Writing Assistant may suggest optimizing the content to improve its search engine visibility. It might recommend adding the target keyword “summer beachwear” in the headings, subheadings, and body of the text to strengthen the relevance of your content.

Review the suggestions provided by the SEO Writing Assistant and make necessary refinements to your content. Ensure that the keyword density is within the recommended range, the readability is enhanced, and the overall optimization score improves.

By utilizing Semrush‘s SEO Writing Assistant in combination with ChatGPT, you can create content that not only engages your audience but also ranks higher in search engine results.

Related: How to Improve Your Content Using AI with SEO Writing Assistant

4. Competitive Analysis

Semrush is the best competitor analysis tool on the market, offering unparalleled features to gain insights into your competitors’ content strategies.

With the Semrush Competitive Research toolkit, you can identify your competitors’ top-performing articles and keywords, and then use ChatGPT to brainstorm ways to differentiate your content and create a unique value proposition.

Visit SEO Dashboard > Competitive Research > Organic Research

Enter your competitor’s domain in the search box. The resulting overview report will contain insights on your competitor’s organic traffic stats, top keywords, top pages, and more.

Semrush - Competitor Analysis Report

You can expand on the list of top pages to view all the pages that drive a significant amount of organic traffic to your competitor’s website.

Semrush - Top Pages Report

Let’s say you have a blog in the travel niche, and you want to analyze the content strategies of your competitors to come up with unique ideas for your own blog.

Using Semrush‘s competitive research toolkit, you discover that one of your main competitors has a popular article titled “23 Best Hidden Gems in Europe.” This article has gained significant traction, ranks across multiple keywords, and generated a lot of backlinks.

Semrush - Top Pages Report - Travel Niche

To differentiate yourself, you can use ChatGPT to brainstorm fresh angles or topics related to offbeat travel in Europe.

You might provide ChatGPT with a prompt such as “Unique European Destinations Unexplored by Tourists” or “Untouched Natural Wonders of Europe.”

ChatGPT - Travel Prompt

ChatGPT will generate interesting responses, helping you explore lesser-known destinations, hidden hiking trails, or picturesque villages that have yet to be discovered by mainstream tourists.

You can then refine and expand upon these ideas to create unique and captivating content that sets you apart from your competitors.

By combining Semrush‘s competitive analysis with the innovative suggestions generated by ChatGPT, you can create content that stands out, attracts readers, and establishes your authority in the niche.

Related: 6 Powerful Ways You Can Use Semrush to Crush Your Competition

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, incorporating Semrush and ChatGPT into your SEO strategy can be a game-changer for your content creation and optimization efforts.

By leveraging Semrush’s robust features and ChatGPT’s creative capabilities, you can identify the right keywords, generate engaging content, conduct competitive analysis, and streamline your SEO workflow.

This powerful combination empowers you to make data-driven decisions, stay ahead of the competition, and achieve SEO success.


Experience the full power of Semrush Pro with a 14-day free trial.

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Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on June 22, 2023 and has been updated frequently since then for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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Sandeep Mallya
Sandeep Mallya is the Founder & CEO of Startup Cafe Digital, an award-winning digital marketing agency in Bangalore, India. He is an active member of the startup community, having worked with several early-stage startups and accelerators. 99signals is Sandeep's online marketing blog. The blog currently features 200+ in-depth articles, how-to guides, and hacks on a wide range of online marketing topics such as SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, blogging, and more.


  1. Thank You for the amazing tips. I have already started a dedicated blog and all of its content were created using ChatGPT but unfortunately, 70% of its pages are not indexed in Google even though I have already manually submitted them using Google Search Console. Is it true Google doesn’t index Ai content?


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