How I Earned $4,265.31 in Side Income Last Month [April 2019 Income Report]


April 2019 Income ReportWelcome to my April 2019 income report. Last month, I was able to generate side income earnings of $4,265.31, with a net profit of $3,844.06.

The total month-on-month revenue was down by 15.89% and the profits were down by 19.06%.

As you can see from the numbers, this was a disappointing month in terms of affiliate income. This income report puts things in perspective and it’s time I took stock of things and focussed on creating fresh content for my affiliate partners with a lot more frequency.

Hoping to ramp up my affiliate efforts in the coming months.

As always, before I reveal my side income earnings, let’s take a look at some of the key highlights of the month.

(To learn more about why I started maintaining monthly income reports, visit this page)

Content Creation

In April, most of my time was spent compiling a list of all my favorite books. In the end, it became an exhaustive list, comprising of 79 books. These recommendations are for entrepreneurs from all walks of life. If you haven’t checked it out already, please click on the link below to see all my recommendations.

And then there was this Facebook ads quiz I designed with Outgrow. If you want to test your knowledge of Facebook ads, there’s no better quiz than this. Click on the link below to take the quiz.

Marketing Mantra Podcast

Marketing Mantra Podcast by 99signals

Not much output here as well. Just the one episode of Marketing Mantra last month.

Luckily, I have several episodes planned ahead in which I’ll be joined by special guests, including Vlad Calus, Co-founder of Planable, Lucas Lee-Tyson, Founder of Growth Cave, and Ilya Lyubimov, Affiliate Marketing Expert from SEMrush.

Subscribe to the Marketing Mantra Podcast: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify

You can also listen to the podcast within the free 99signals mobile app. Download it now on your iOS or Android device and access all our articles, podcast, and videos on-the-go:

2019 Goodreads Reading Challenge

Goodreads 2019 Reading Challenge

Like last year, I’ve taken up a Goodreads reading challenge in 2019 and the challenge is once again the same — to finish reading 100 books by the end of 2019; 25 of which to be business books.

Here are the two books I read in April 2019:

Marketing Mantra Podcast by 99signals

The film adaptation of The Big Short is one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s a movie I’d recommend to all entrepreneurs, business leaders, and marketers. Having loved the movie, I wanted to read the book it was based on. And I wasn’t disappointed. Michael Lewis is a brilliant author who’s able to hold your attention even while explaining complicated financial instruments like credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligation (CDO). If you’d like get a deeper understanding of the financial crisis of 2007-08 and get a glimpse of the main culprits behind the crisis, there’s no better book than The Big Short.

Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose

Delivering Happiness is part autobiography and part startup manual on how to run a successful business while keeping your culture and core values in the forefront. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, reveals the many ups and downs he faced in his entrepreneurial journey and why he values culture over profitability. Zappos is a company known for its work culture and Tony offers illuminating insights into the importance of staying true to your core values while running a business.

Update: The Zappos culture was the main topic in episode 24 of our Marketing Mantra podcast. Click here to listen to this episode

For more book recommendations, check out this post.

Quotes I’m Pondering (Apr 1 – 30, 2019)

Inspired by Tim Ferriss’ Tribe of Mentors, you’ll find thought-provoking quotes in all my income reports.

These are the quotes that inspired me and changed my thinking in April. I hope you find them just as insightful as I did:

“We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” — Warren Buffet (American business magnate and investor)

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” — Lao Tzu (Ancient Chinese philosopher, author of Tao Te Ching)

April 2019 Income Report

Now let’s take a look at my earnings in April. As always, this report consists of my affiliate earnings, followed by other income, expenses, and net profit breakdown.

Affiliate Earnings

Total Affiliate Earnings: $3,915.31

Other Income

Total Side Income Earnings: $4,265.31


  • Mailchimp (Recurring) – $50 (review)
  • AppSumo Briefcase (Recurring) – $49 (review)
  • Google Ads – $38.45
  • Facebook Ads – $91.31
  • Ahrefs (Recurring) – $99 (review)
  • Buffer Pro (Recurring) – $15
  • Alexa Subscription (Recurring) – $19.99
  • Buildfire (Recurring) – $54
  • Tube Buddy – $4.50

Net Profit Breakdown

  • Affiliate earnings: $3,915.31
  • Other income: $350
  • Total expenses: (-$421.25)
  • Net Profit: $3,844.06

That wraps up the income report for April 2019.

If you have any questions about this month’s income report, feel free to ask them in the comments section or connect with me via Twitter.

To get frequent updates on all things SEO, blogging, and social media, follow 99signals on these platforms below:

If you’re interested to learn more about passive income, I reveal some of my affiliate marketing secrets in this article + webinar. Be sure to check it out!

Sandeep Mallya
Sandeep Mallya is the Founder & CEO of Startup Cafe Digital, an award-winning digital marketing agency in Bangalore, India. He is an active member of the startup community, having worked with several early-stage startups and accelerators. 99signals is Sandeep's online marketing blog. The blog currently features 200+ in-depth articles, how-to guides, and hacks on a wide range of online marketing topics such as SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, blogging, and more.



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