Analytics Archives - 99signals Sandeep Mallya's SEO and Marketing Blog Wed, 03 Apr 2024 15:54:02 +0000 en hourly 1 Analytics Archives - 99signals 32 32 How to Track Facebook Ads in Google Analytics [Video + Article] Wed, 03 Apr 2024 15:53:58 +0000 Do you use Facebook ads to drive traffic to your website? In this article, I'll reveal how you can start tracking Facebook ads more effectively in Google Analytics.

The post How to Track Facebook Ads in Google Analytics [Video + Article] appeared first on 99signals.

How to Track Facebook Ads in Google Analytics [Video + Article]

Do you use Facebook ads to drive traffic to your website? Then you’d probably know you can’t always rely on Facebook Insights to provide you with accurate data.

This is where you need Google Analytics, which provides a more accurate picture of traffic stats from Facebook ads. However, there are a few steps involved before Google Analytics can arm you with this data.

In this article, I’ll reveal how you can start tracking Facebook ads more effectively in Google Analytics.

Note: If you prefer to watch the video guide, you can watch the video below. Scroll down if you prefer to read the article.

Why Use Google Analytics to Track Facebook Ads

Let’s get this out of the way first.

You may be thinking why it’s necessary for us to track Facebook ads in Google Analytics when we have Facebook Insights.

While it’s true Facebook Insights contains a pool of useful data, there’s a certain amount of discrepancy between the traffic data you get in Facebook Insights and the data in Google Analytics. Since Google Analytics tracks your overall website traffic (organic, direct, social, and referral), you’d want the information presented here to be as accurate as rest of the traffic data.

This discrepancy in traffic data can be avoided by using URL parameters.

URL parameters are used to track information about a click.

URL parameters comprise of a key and a value separated by an equals sign (=) and joined by an ampersand (&). The first parameter always comes after a question mark in a URL as shown in the example below:

URL Parameters

Image Source: Search Engine Journal

In addition to presenting you with accurate information on clicks, URL parameters also help you differentiate between the traffic you get from Facebook organic (your Facebook posts) and Facebook ads.

By using URL parameters, you’ll know exactly which ad campaign, which ad set is driving traffic to your website, and you can also track conversions on your website that way.

Tracking Facebook Ads in Google Analytics: Step-by-step Guide

Now that we have established the need for using Google Analytics to track Facebook ads and the importance of URL parameters, it’s time to initiate the whole setup. Just follow these 5 simple steps to track your Facebook ads in Google Analytics:

  1. Use URL Campaign Builder to Generate URL Parameters
  2. Define Your Campaign Source, Medium, and Name
  3. Define Campaign Term and Campaign Content
  4. Generate a New Campaign URL for Your Ad
  5. Track Performance in Google Analytics

Step 1 – Use URL Campaign Builder to Generate URL Parameters

The first step is to generate URL parameters for your Facebook ad campaign. To generate URL parameters, you can use a free tool by Google called Campaign URL Builder.

Campaign URL Builder by Google

Fill out the required fields in the Campaign URL Builder form. Once this form is complete, there will be a campaign URL generated with all the URL parameters. You can use this newly-generated URL in your Facebook ads and start tracking traffic in Google Analytics.

To begin with, just go to the page/post that you wish to promote on Facebook.

Copy the URL and paste it in the website URL box.

URL Campaign Builder - FB Ads

Step 2 – Define Your Campaign Source, Medium, and Name

The next field is Campaign Source. You can either mention “Facebook ad” as the campaign source or you can just mention “Facebook.”

In order to differentiate between the traffic from Facebook organic posts and traffic from Facebook ads, I recommend you mention “Facebook ad” here.

Next, mention “CPC” as your campaign medium if you’re tracking link clicks or “CPM” if you’re tracking impressions.

If you’re not sure, just login to Facebook and navigate to Ads Manager —> Ad Set —> Budget & Schedule —> Optimization & Delivery and check out the option you’ve selected in Optimization for Ad Delivery.

FB Ads - Campaign Name

Next, enter the Campaign Name. It should be the same as the name of your Facebook ad campaign in Facebook Ads Manager as shown above.

After these four fields have been filled, this is what your Campaign Builder form should look like:

Campaign URL Builder - FB Ads

Step 3 – Define Campaign Term and Campaign Content

You’ll notice that the first four fields in the form are mandatory and the rest are not. Nevertheless, I recommend that you fill in the rest of the information as well because you’ll most likely be running multiple campaigns on Facebook and you’d want to track each campaign individually in your Google Analytics report.

The more specific you get with your URL parameters, the better it will be, and you’ll know exactly which campaign is driving traffic to your site and which campaign needs to be improved.

The Campaign Term should be the same as the name of your Ad Set. Copy the name in your Ad Set and paste it in the Campaign Term box.

URL Campaign Builder - Ad Set

Similarly, your Campaign Content should be the same as the name of your Ad on Facebook. Just copy the same name and paste it into the box.

URL Campaign Builder - Ad Name

When all the fields are filled, your Campaign URL Builder form should like this:

Campaign URL Builder - Complete Form

In the example above, I’ve used generic terms to define Campaign Term and Campaign Content. You can be more specific with the terms you’re using to define your parameters, especially in the case of Campaign Content.

In case you’re using different ad formats (image, video, carousel, etc.) under an Ad Set to promote the same post, you can use the Campaign Content field to differentiate these ads. Just remember that you need to generate a different campaign URL for each ad to track them accurately in Google Analytics.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Messenger Ads

Step 4 – Generate a New Campaign URL for Your Ad

Now that your form is filled, your campaign URL would have been auto-generated. Just scroll down to see your generated campaign URL.

URL Campaign Builder - Generated URL

In order to start tracking Facebook ads in Google Analytics, you’ll need to copy the portion of the URL starting after the question mark.

On Facebook, navigate to Ads Manager —> Ad Set —> Ad —> URL Parameters. Paste your campaign URL parameters in this box as shown below:

URL Parameters - FB Ads

Another option is to copy the whole URL and paste it into the Website URL field.

URL Parameters - FB Ads

Make sure you preview your new URL to check if the URL parameters are visible on the new URL opened in a new tab.

Yet another option is to convert the generated URL into a short link. You can connect your account with Campaign URL Builder and get additional insights for your ad campaign via

Once you’ve previewed the new campaign URL, hit the “Publish” button.

You’re all set to track the performance of your Facebook ads in Google Analytics.

Step 5 – Track performance in Google Analytics

To start tracking Facebook ads in Google Analytics, login to your Google Analytics account. From the left side menu, navigate to Acquisition —> All Traffic —> Source/Medium.

Google Analytics - Tracking FB Ads

From Primary Dimension, navigate to the Other dropdown menu, and select the parameter you want to track from the Acquisition dimensions.

Google Analytics - Campaign Tracking

From this report, you can gauge your Facebook ad campaign performance. If you followed all the steps outlined here, you’ll find traffic data for your Facebook ad campaigns under “Campaign” — the campaign name will be the same as the one you entered in the Campaign Name field in Campaign URL Builder.

Similarly, you can see how your ad sets have performance when you select “Keyword” (Campaign Term) and track your individual ad performance under “Ad Content” (Campaign Content).


Getting an accurate picture of your ad performance on Facebook will not just help you see how your Facebook ads are performing, but will also help you make tweaks and adjustments to increase the reach and effectiveness of your ads.

Start tracking your Facebook ads in Google Analytics by following the steps outlined in this article and optimize your campaigns on Facebook.

Hope you found this article useful. You can watch this accompanying tutorial video to help set up URL parameters for your Facebook ad campaigns.

If you liked this article, please share it on Twitter using the link below:

Editor’s Note: This article was first published on December 25, 2019 and has been updated regularly since then for relevance and comprehensiveness. 

Related Articles

The post How to Track Facebook Ads in Google Analytics [Video + Article] appeared first on 99signals.

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7 Best Traffic Analysis Tools to Boost Your Website’s Performance Sun, 18 Feb 2024 06:02:37 +0000 In this post, we dive into the 7 best traffic analysis tools, share what gets us excited about them, and dish out some tips to make the most of each one.

The post 7 Best Traffic Analysis Tools to Boost Your Website’s Performance appeared first on 99signals.

7 Best Traffic Analysis Tools

In today’s fiercely competitive digital marketplace, a deep understanding of website traffic isn’t just an advantage – it’s essential.

Keeping tabs on your website’s traffic is your golden ticket to making smart, data-backed choices about how well your marketing efforts and campaigns are doing.

Furthermore, it allows you to pinpoint potential areas of improvement, adapt swiftly to changing trends, and craft strategies that resonate more deeply with your target audience.

In this post, we’ll dive into the 7 best traffic analysis tools, share what gets us excited about them, and dish out some tips to make the most of each one.

7 Best Website Traffic Analysis Tools

1. Semrush .Trends

Semrush .Trends

Looking for a hassle-free way to monitor your competitors’ traffic and catch the latest market trends? Semrush .Trends is precisely the traffic analysis tool tailor-made for your needs.

Semrush .Trends is an add-on solution to Semrush that provides a comprehensive overview of any website’s traffic, including estimated desktop and mobile traffic, traffic sources, and audience engagement metrics.

It also includes tools for analyzing market trends, tracking competitor activity, and understanding your audience.

Semrush TA Overview - Traffic Journey Benchmarking

.Trends essentially comprises of 4 traffic analysis and competitive intelligence tools:

  • Traffic Analytics – provides a detailed overview of any company’s online performance.
  • Market Explorer – enables deep insights of competitors in your niche or industry.
  • EyeOn – automatically monitors your competitors’ activities, including new content and promotional changes.
  • One2Target – offers unique insights into audience characteristics, including demographics, socioeconomics, behavior, and audience overlap.

When you sync them up, Semrush .Trends serves as the ultimate traffic analysis toolkit for anyone who wants to understand their traffic, identify new opportunities, and crush the competition.

Semrush .Trends: Key Features

  • Traffic Analytics’ Top Pages Report: This report essentially provides a list of top pages that generate the highest volume of organic traffic. Armed with this information, you can deconstruct your competitors’ content strategy and streamline your blogging efforts.
  • Traffic Analytics’ Traffic Journey Chart: This chart helps you identify the sources sending the most visitors to your competitor’s site, alongside top 5 external domains that users commonly go to after visiting your competitor’s domain.
  • Market Explorer’s Market Summary: The Market Summary widget provides a set of metrics for a quick assessment of your market, including its size, value, and competition levels.
  • EyeOn’s Overview Report: This report provides a breakdown of your competitors’ Google ads, blog posts, social media updates, and new pages.

To learn more about Semrush .Trends’ key features, check out our post on how to use Semrush .Trends for competitor analysis.

Semrush .Trends Pricing

Semrush .Trends Pricing

If you’re an existing Semrush user, you can buy Semrush .Trends as an add-on for $200/month. This will give you complete access to all the four tools in .Trends — Market Explorer, Traffic Analytics, EyeOn, and One2Target.

If you don’t have an active Semrush account, the pricing for integrating Semrush .Trends alongside your existing subscription would be:

How to Use Semrush .Trends

The Traffic Analytics tool allows you to deep dive into your competitors’ strategies, analyze user behavior, and spot the latest trends in your niche.

For example, you can analyze your competitors’ top-performing content by using the Top Pages report. From the list of pages, you can see useful metrics such as traffic share, 1-year traffic trend, unique pageviews, unique visitors, entrances, and the different traffic sources.

Semrush TA - Top Pages Report

You can also use Traffic Analytics to benchmark the traffic metrics of your website with your competitors’ to see where you fit in the market mix.

Semrush TA - Benchmarking Websites

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is undoubtedly one of the most popular and widely used traffic analysis tools on the web. Not only does it help you see how people are finding your site, but it also lets you dive into who your audience is and what they prefer.

Plus, it helps keep track of your goals and any special events happening on your site. It’s essentially your best bet for getting a comprehensive view of your site’s performance and audience behaviors, making it easier to tweak things for better results.

GA4 Reports

Google Analytics’ latest iteration, Google Analytics 4, introduces more intelligent insights and predictive metrics, along with a user-centric data model, to offer a more nuanced understanding of user behavior across various platforms and devices.

Google Analytics: Key Features

  • Traffic Reporting: Offers detailed statistics about the traffic coming to your site, helping you understand where your audience is coming from.
  • Behavior Flow: Allows you to see the paths users follow through your site, which helps in understanding user behavior and tweaking site structure accordingly.
  • Conversion Tracking: Lets you track how well your site is achieving its goals, whether it’s sales, lead generation, or other actions users might take on your site.
  • Real-Time Reporting: Provides real-time data, letting you see the actions users are taking on your site at any given moment.
  • Integration with Other Google Tools: Seamlessly integrates with other Google tools like Google Ads and Google Search Console for a unified marketing strategy.

Google Analytics: Pricing

Google Analytics is completely free. Needless to say, it’s one of the best free website traffic analysis tools you can use to optimize your site’s performance.

Sign up for Google Analytics

How to Use Google Analytics

  • Sign up for a Google Analytics account with your Google account.
  • Create a new property by entering details like website name and URL.
  • Insert the tracking code into the header of your website to start tracking the data.

Once Google Analytics starts collecting traffic data on your website, you can navigate through different reports from your dashboard to gain a deeper insight into your audience’s preferences.

You can also configure goals to track conversions and important events on your website.

To get started, you can explore the Acquisition reports to see how users access your site. Google Analytics 4 separates this data into 2 categories: User acquisition (based on user engagement) and Traffic acquisition (based on session engagement).

To access your User Acquisition report, navigate to:

Reports > Life cycle > Acquisition > User acquisition

This report will provide you with a top-level view of how new users find your website.

Google Analytics 4 - User Acquisition Report

Sign up for Google Analytics

3. Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a nifty free tool from Google that helps you track and improve your site’s presence in search results. It’s a go-to for anyone aiming to enhance their website’s visibility without a hitch.

Google Search Console

It shows you how many clicks and impressions each page on your site is getting, where it generally ranks in SERPs, and the click-through rate (CTR). It’s a solid tool to peek at your website’s performance.

Google Search Console: Key Features

  • Performance Reports: These reports give insights into how well your website is performing in search results, including data on clicks, impressions, click-through rates, and more.
  • URL Inspection Tool: This tool helps to analyze individual URLs to check their indexing status and identify any issues affecting them.
  • Mobile Usability Report: This report highlights issues that might affect the user experience on mobile devices, which is increasingly important as mobile searches continue to rise.
  • Core Web Vitals: These are a set of metrics that focus on user experience, such as loading time, interactivity, and visual stability of pages.
  • Sitemap Submission: Google Search Console allows you to submit sitemaps, making it easier for Google to find and index your pages.

Google Search Console: Pricing

Google Search Console is absolutely free of charge.

Sign up for Google Search Console

How to Use Google Search Console

  • Visit the Google Search Console website and log in with your Google account.
  • Add your website by clicking on ‘Add property’ and enter your website URL.
  • Verify the ownership of your website using any of the recommended methods (like uploading a HTML file or adding a meta tag).
  • Once verified, explore the dashboard to get an overview of your website’s performance.

The Performance report in Google Search Console offers an in-depth analysis of your website’s visibility in Google SERPs, showcasing critical SEO metrics such as:

  • Clicks: The total number of clicks from Google Search to your website.
  • Impressions: The number of times any of your website’s pages appeared in search results.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of impressions that resulted in a click.
  • Average Position: The average rank of your site for the queries made by users.
GSC - Performance Report

Using this report, you can optimize your website’s content with a data-driven approach, enhancing visibility and improving the overall user experience.

Sign up for Google Search Console

4. SE Ranking

SE Ranking

SE Ranking is a popular SEO platform that helps optimize your online presence through keyword analysis, competitor insights, and website performance tracking.

When it comes to traffic analysis, SE Ranking helps you analyze the traffic strategies of your competitors, allowing you to find gaps and opportunities to attract more traffic to your website.

SE Ranking - Competitor Keywords

SE Ranking also comes with a great rank tracking tool that helps you keep a tab on your keyword rankings, offering insights into traffic patterns and changes over time.

SE Ranking: Key Features

  • Keyword Research: This tool helps in pinpointing the most effective keywords to enhance your SEO and content strategies.
  • Competitor Research: Lets you deeply examine your competitors’ tactics and find potential opportunities for growth in your niche.
  • Website Audit: This tool scans your website to identify various issues potentially affecting your SEO performance.
  • Rank Tracking: A feature that helps you closely track your keywords’ performance in search engine rankings over time, offering insights to make informed decisions.

SE Ranking: Pricing

SE Ranking Pricing

SE Ranking is one of the most budget-friendly traffic analysis tools on the market, with prices starting at $39/month.

You can choose from 3 pricing plans:

  • Essential – $39/mo (250 keyword rankings, 10 websites)
  • Pro – $89/mo (1000 keyword rankings, unlimited websites)
  • Business – 189/mo (2500 keyword rankings, unlimited websites)

You can save 20% on any plan by switching to annual billing.

SE Ranking Free Trial

Get 14-day free access to SE Ranking's complete toolkit

(No credit card required)

How to Use SE Ranking

  • Sign up for an SE Ranking account.
  • Create your first project by adding your website and the keywords you’d like to monitor. Specify the search engines and locations to ensure you get precise, location-specific ranking data.
  • Once you’ve added your project, head over to the Competitor Research section and enter the URL of your closest competitor to examine their strengths, weaknesses, and potential growth opportunities.

The Competitor Research Overview report will provide you with a top-level view of your competitor’s organic traffic and paid traffic.

SE Ranking - Competitors' Report

You can delve deeper into the Organic Research report to view your competitors’ estimated organic traffic, organic keywords, and a complete breakdown of all the keywords your competitor is currently ranking for.

SE Ranking - Organic Keywords Report
SE Ranking Free Trial

Get 14-day free access to SE Ranking's complete toolkit

(No credit card required)

Related: SE Ranking vs Ahrefs: Which SEO Tool is Better?

5. Serpstat


Serpstat is an SEO platform that offers a variety of tools for website optimization, including keyword research, competitor analysis, PPC analysis, and more.

As one of the leading traffic analysis tools on the market, Serpstat provides an estimation of the traffic a website receives, giving you an insight into its popularity and reach.

Serpstat Batch Analysis

It also lets you peek into your competitors’ strategies by showing you the keywords they are ranking for and the kind of traffic they are pulling in.

Serpstat: Key Features

  • Content Marketing Insights: Analyzes top-performing content in your niche to craft engaging and effective content strategies.
  • Domain Analysis: Provides an overview of a domain’s visibility, traffic, and keyword positions in search engine results.
  • Keyword Research: Highlights the best keywords for your content and PPC campaigns.
  • Rank Tracking: Monitors the rankings of your keywords in search engines.
  • Website Audit: Conducts a detailed audit of your website to identify and fixes issues that might affect SEO performance.

Serpstat: Pricing

Serpstat Pricing

Serpstat currently offers three pricing plans:

  • Individual – $59/mo
  • Team – $119/mo
  • Agency – $479/mo

You can switch to annual billing to get a discount on any of these above plans. For an extra discount, you can use promo code 99signals2023 to get 22% off any annual plan. Click here to activate this exclusive Serpstat discount.

If you’ve never tried Serpstat before, you can start with a 7-day free trial.

[Exclusive Offer] Get 22% off Serpstat’s annual plan. Use promo code 99signals2023. Click on the link below to activate this exclusive Serpstat offer.

Serpstat Discount (22% off)

Get 22% discount on any annual Serpstat plan.

Use promo code 99signals2023.


How to Use Serpstat

  • Sign up for Serpstat.
  • Create a new project by adding your domain and domain name.
  • Once your project is setup, you can access all the tools within Serpstat, including Domain Analysis, Keyword Research, Backlink Analysis, and Rank Tracker.

To analyze your competitors, head over to Domain Analysis and enter your competitor’s domain.

The Overview report will provide a quick rundown on domain metrics, including visibility, estimated traffic, organic keywords, and paid keywords.

Domain Analysis Overview Report - Serpstat

To gain deeper insights, you can open the Tree view report from the left-navigation menu to explore the layout of your competitor’s website: this includes every page, spanning the domain and subdomains, along with the keywords they are ranking for in specific positions.

Serpstat - Tree View Report
Serpstat (1-week Trial)

Get 1-week free access to Serpstat's complete toolset.

Serpstat Discount (22% off)

Get 22% discount on any annual Serpstat plan.

Use promo code 99signals2023.


6. Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

Ahrefs Webmaster Tools

Ahrefs Webmaster Tools is a free traffic analysis tool by Ahrefs that lets you analyze your traffic and monitor the SEO health of your website.

With Ahrefs Webmaster Tools, you can get free limited access to Site Explorer — one of the most widely used tools in the Ahrefs tool. It comes packed with insights that can be a real game-changer in improving your website’s SEO performance and boosting its overall user experience.

Ahrefs - Best Pages by Links

You also get access to the Site Audit feature, which highlights all the technical SEO issues on your site and provides detailed information on how to fix them.

Ahrefs Webmaster Tools: Key Features

  • Track Organic Traffic: Monitor your site’s organic performance and get a deeper understanding of your site’s SEO potential.
  • Monitor Your SEO Health: Scan your website for 140+ common SEO issues and get actionable advice on fixing them.
  • Backlink Research: Analyze your website’s backlink profile and get actionable insights from your inbound and outbound links.
  • Keyword Research: Find out what keywords your website ranks for, alongside important SEO metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and traffic value.

Ahrefs Webmasters Tool: Pricing

Ahrefs Webmasters Tool is completely free, making it a great starting point if you’re just starting with SEO. But to really get into the nitty-gritty of your site’s SEO performance, you might want to consider upgrading to the full Ahrefs toolkit.

Try Ahrefs Webmaster Tools for free

How to Use Ahrefs Webmasters Tools

  • Sign up for an Ahrefs Webmasters Tool account.
  • Add your website as a project.
  • Confirm ownership of your site by connecting your Google Search Console account with Ahrefs. This step will also import all your existing projects from GSC to Ahrefs.

Once you’ve imported your projects from Google Search Console, Ahrefs will automatically crawl your website to check for 140+ predefined SEO and on-page issues.

In the Site Audit report, you can view all the issues that are affecting the website’s optimization. You can click on the question mark beside each issue to get actionable advice on how to fix it.

AWT - Site Audit Report

Try Ahrefs Webmaster Tools for free

7. Ubersuggest


If you’re looking for a budget-friendly traffic analysis tool, then Ubersuggest is a top choice. Since Neil Patel took over, it’s been loaded with a host of new features, making it a full-scale SEO platform.

Ubersuggest - Keywords Ideas

Although it doesn’t quite stack up against some other tools mentioned on this list, it’s a fantastic option for beginners in search of an easy-to-use interface with little to no hassle.

Ubersuggest: Key Features

  • SEO Analytics: Offers insights into your SEO performance, helping you understand how well your website is optimized for search engines.
  • Competitor Analysis: Lets you examine your competitors’ strategies, providing data that can help you develop an edge in your industry.
  • Content Ideas: Provides suggestions for content based on popular articles in your niche, helping you create content that can attract more traffic.

Ubersuggest: Pricing

Ubersuggest Pricing

Ubersuggest follows an unconventional pricing setup. Breaking away from the typical monthly and yearly billing patterns seen in most SaaS platforms, it provides options for both monthly and lifetime payments.

Here are the monthly pricing plans of Ubersuggest:

  • Individual – $12/mo (1 website)
  • Business – $20/mo (2-7 websites)
  • Enterprise – $40/mo (8-15 websites)

You can also opt for lifetime pricing (one-time payment) for these plans:

  • Individual – $120/lifetime
  • Business – $200/lifetime
  • Enterprise – $400/lifetime

Try Ubersuggest for free for 7 days

How to Use Ubersuggest

  • Sign up for Ubersuggest.
  • Add a new project by entering your URL and website name.
  • Next, add a list of keywords and competitors that you wish to monitor on Ubersuggest.
  • To get more accurate data on your traffic stats, you can connect your Google Search Console and Google Analytics to Ubersuggest.
  • Once you’ve provided these details, you can access all the tools within Ubersuggest, including Website Traffic Checker, SEO Analyzer, Backlink Checker, and Keyword Ideas.

You can use Ubersuggest’s Traffic Checker to gain insights in your competitors’ traffic patterns and keyword mix.

The Overview report provides basic data on your competitor’s monthly organic traffic, organic keywords, domain authority, and backlinks.

Ubersuggest Traffic Overview Report

You can delve deeper into the report to view your competitor’s top pages, examine their top organic keywords, and review their backlinks.

Ubersuggest - Top SEO Pages

Ubersuggest is great for getting a quick peek at your competitors’ SEO data, but if you’re planning to dig deep into their SEO, PPC, and content marketing strategies, you need to explore other options.

Sign up for a free trial of Ubersuggest

Related: Ubersuggest vs Semrush: Which SEO Tool is Better?

Final Thoughts on Traffic Analytics Tools

Website traffic analysis isn’t really that complex. Armed with the right set of traffic analysis tools, you can easily identify market trends, analyze competitor strategies, and optimize your own website’s performance.

From free website traffic analysis tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to premium offerings like Semrush .Trends and SE Ranking, there’s a solution tailored to meet the specific needs and budget of every online business.

Get started and test out these traffic analysis tools now.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on September 20, 2023 and has been updated frequently since then for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

Related Articles

The post 7 Best Traffic Analysis Tools to Boost Your Website’s Performance appeared first on 99signals.

]]> 0 Review: Marketing Analytics and Automation Tool for Your Needs Mon, 28 Aug 2023 08:09:00 +0000 is a full-scale analytics and automation platform that helps to create a unified view of data in one place. It’s a solid solution to automatically combine data from different apps, process it, and compile rich reports.

The post Review: Marketing Analytics and Automation Tool for Your Needs appeared first on 99signals.

]]> Review: Marketing Analytics and Automation Tool for Your Needs

Are you tired of having to report on your marketing campaign results manually? Do you spend hours gathering data scattered in different apps to identify why some ads are underperforming? In today’s data-driven world, one can’t do without a comprehensive marketing analytics tool to automate and analyze data flows.

And it keeps getting better, some tools not only eliminate the need for tedious manual updates and reporting, but they also automatically integrate data from multiple sources into one place.

In this review, we’ll look at such marketing analytics software, its features and benefits. Let’s dive in.

What is

Coupler logo is a full-scale analytics and automation platform that helps to create a unified view of data in one place. It’s a solid solution to automatically combine data from different apps, process it, and compile rich reports.

With this marketing analytics tool, professionals can better measure the performance of their campaigns, create visually appealing dashboards, and obtain insights for data-driven decisions and marketing strategies.

Here’s a short video to check’s capabilities in action:


Before choosing a marketing analytics tool, learning about its capabilities is crucial. Compared to other platforms, has several strong points that we will examine below.

A Full-Scale Marketing Analytics Tool

One outstanding thing about is its versatile functionality. It allows users to gather, transform, and examine their marketing data – full analytics and management cycle.

You can choose among many data sources and build a holistic picture of your marketing activities or examine particular projects, team performance, and campaigns.

To understand the data easily, allows you to build real-time reports and dashboards. Digging deeper into your marketing data smoothly is possible with examples of company dashboards. They guide users for every channel or activity, the results of which they want to display.

The process is simple, requiring some time for the initial setup. You need to pick the data source (an app or platform); then pick a dashboard template; run the importer, and you’ll see the fresh data. Since is an automated marketing analytics tool, you can track the efficiency of your campaign in real-time, as all data will be refreshed automatically.

Coupler Dashboard Examples

For example, you want to Facebook Ads to Looker Studio and monitor daily performance metrics with the Facebook Ads reporting dashboard. By exporting Mailchimp data to Google Sheets, you can analyze the performance of your email campaigns to get insights into customer engagement with your messages. And there are more use cases for utilizing an analytics platform.

The cherry on top is that the reports and dashboards you create with this tool are shareable, and you can choose their format. As mentioned, it can be a visually appealing dashboard with highlights, a full-spreadsheet report with all the data, or others. This way, all team members can access the most up-to-date information, eliminating possible misunderstandings due to outdated statistics.

Save Time With this Ads Reporting Tool

Another advantage of can be useful for experts seeking a PPC reporting tool or social media analytics solution.

Marketers know that compiling ads data and building reports may take hours. Especially if there’s a need to update those reports weekly and share them with the team.

Each ads platform offers a typical PPC reporting tool functionality, so users can examine their campaigns within a platform, be it Bing Ads or any other platform. However, such analytics is usually limited and requires checking each platform separately. If you like to examine data from multiple ads and social media platforms, will come in handy.

For example, you use LinkedIn Ads reporting to learn which ads your customers interact with. At the same time, you employ Google Ads reporting for checking CPC and other metrics. You check separate reports from each platform. Why not check all the data in one place?

With a one-stop-shop platform like, you can then fetch and combine data from the ads platforms to analyze it. Data exported and stored in one place will help you have a more unified vision of your results:

Ads Dashboard - Coupler

Even the Starter plan enables you to connect multiple ad sources like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and others.

If you want even more profound analytics, you can select integrations with Premium sources – from Amazon Ads to AdRoll. With this PPC reporting tool, you can increase the effectiveness of your existing advertising campaigns and focus on scaling them.

Automate Routine Tasks

We shouldn’t forget that is a no-code automation tool. Apart from ready-made integrations that automatically synchronize data within apps, there are more features to leverage automation.

For instance, one can enjoy an auto-refresh option. With this automation platform, you can set a schedule to export data from chosen apps automatically. Save time by not having to manually launch data syncs for reports and focus on examining self-updating business reports. enables you to tailor auto-refresh to your specific needs ‒ from every 15 minutes to every hour/day/month, etc. - Auto-refresh

Another feature highlighting the automation capabilities of is webhooks. Simply, you can trigger your data flows by some events. For example, you have a flow of exporting customer data from Pipedrive to MS Excel. When a few new customers are added to Pipedrive, the importer will automatically send new records to your report. Alternatively, you have a set of automatic data imports that are refreshed daily, once they’re finished, you receive a notification to a messenger to check a fresh report.

Such automation can be useful to those marketers who lead projects, analyze team performance, monitor invoicing and budgets, and more. It will save a lot of time to process and analyze many aspects of daily tasks when you have them automated. doesn’t require complex technical knowledge to use webhooks and automation features. Besides, you can always reach out to their support to assist you. Even more, if you need some advanced solutions for automation and analytics, there’s an option to use data consultancy services along the way.

Key Features of

Now it’s time to discover the main features this analytics and automation platform offers. We will focus on four main areas and how these features can help you take your marketing campaigns or general business analytics to the next level.

Data Integration is known for its integration capabilities. There are over 200 integrations with a wide choice of sources. Data integration allows users to enjoy quick and easy solutions to fetch data from various sources in one place. One can easily export and transform data from:

  • marketing platforms like Mailchimp
  • CRMs like HubSpot ads
  • platforms like Google Ads
  • social media like LinkedIn
  • eCommerce sources like Shopify

Moreover, the set of data sources isn’t limited to marketing sources. Users can export data from project management, accounting, time management, surveys, and other solutions. You can also reach for custom integrations specific to the company’s needs and requirements. It makes a tool for overall business data management.

With, you can pull the info on schedule and export it to one of the sources: Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, Google BigQuery, and Looker Studio.

Data Analytics

Companies can examine their data from various apps synchronized with the help of this automation platform. makes analytics easier as all data can be stored in one place, it’s always up-to-date and comprehensive.

Marketers (and not only) can make better data-driven decisions to change the course of actions and improve existing strategies thanks to real-time analytics. One can build insightful reports and share them with stakeholders.

Data Visualization

Using, you can load your data directly to Looker Studio. With extra integrations, you can send data to other BI tools like Tableau or Power BI, and visualize the results for better understanding.

Coupler - Data Visualization

Visualization can help you better understand a myriad of data. It is a great approach for exploring gaps, detecting trends, and predicting patterns fast. You’ll have all the metrics and historical perspectives on one screen. You can then communicate these insights to people outside the team with shareable options.

Data Transformation

Before moving your data from a particular source to a desired destination, you can edit it with an easy-to-navigate Transform module. This module enables you to change data during transfer. Namely, you can rename, reorder, or hide data that needs adjustments.

In addition, has a data stitching capability. So, marketers can fetch data from multiple marketing channels and combine it in one destination.

With the Transform module, you can also enjoy crunching the numbers by employing automatic simple math formulas and tailoring advanced calculations for your analytics.

This feature is helpful when you want to choose some metrics and records to shape a highlights report, a report with specific data for a contractor, or you need to prepare your data to import it further to other destinations.

What Users Say About is a well-rated tool on review platforms. Users gave 4.9/5 to at Capterra and G2. Their Google Sheets add-on has more than 788,000 downloads and 4.8 out of 5 stars on The Google Workspace Marketplace.

Users find this marketing analytics tool to be a real-time-saver with intuitive UX. In parallel, there are many positive reviews regarding the capabilities of regarding Google Sheets functionality. People emphasize its BigQuery integrations as well.

As for the downsides, some users had issues with getting a grasp of advanced features (where a bit of coding or custom solutions were needed). However, they claim that the team is really supportive and helped with their concerns. Also, there are old comments on the lack of integration, but the number of available integrations significantly grew. Pricing

Before choosing a pricing plan, you can try out for free for 14 days. You’ll get access to all data sources and an unlimited number of users to see which subscription plan will work best for your needs. has three monthly pricing plans:

  • Starter – $64/month
  • Squad – $132/month
  • Business – $332/month

However, you can save up to 25% if you choose to pay annually, with the Starter plan becoming $49, Squad $99, and Business $249.

Besides these three plans, larger companies can reach to tailor a unique offer for enterprises considering their specific needs and requirements.

Additionally, offers custom integrations and data analytics consulting services. The pricing is discussed individually based on the needs. Growth is a relatively young product. A few years ago, it was just a data connector that could import data from some sources to Google Sheets. Now, it’s a platform with solid functionality to cover data management, analysis, and visualization.

The number of data sources and destinations has increased. Most popular apps and software that marketers, accountants, business owners, and other specialists use daily are now presented as ready-made integrations. Still, this number grows constantly. The same relates to data sources.

The versatility and functionality of the product are also improved. A few months ago, 2.0 was launched with more data manipulation options.

Notably, this growth is noticed in the community. So won Martech BreakThrough Award 2023 as the Best Interaction Data Analytics Solution.

Coupler - MarTech Award

Final Thoughts serves as a one-stop solution for data analytics and automation. From small businesses to large enterprises ‒ companies can leverage their data analytics with this platform.

Marketers would enjoy this automation and integration platform for its simplicity, intuitive UX, and capabilities to improve advertising campaigns. It’s a great choice for PPC experts aiming at eliminating the pains of manual reporting. For other marketing channel specialists, this platform can be a solid choice for reporting and analysis. makes it easier to find bottlenecks in your marketing campaigns and improve them to achieve better results.

At the same time, having a variety of data sources, can help with overall business reporting and analytics, so it can be useful for different specialists seeking to unlock the true power of data.

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[Video] Review & Walkthrough – Build, Track, & Manage UTM Links Mon, 21 Jan 2019 08:11:43 +0000 allows you to build, share, and sync UTMs with your team so that you can have cleaner data, resulting in better campaign results. Watch this video review of to learn more about how can help you maximize ROI of your marketing campaigns.

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]]> ReviewDo you run marketing campaigns for your business? If your answer is yes, then you’d probably know the importance of building, managing, and tracking campaigns links.

This is where UTMs can help you. UTMs are pieces of code that are added to a URL, allowing you to track your website traffic in detail.

Without UTMs, you can only see the referrer (which is where the traffic came from). For example, you might be able to see that a certain percentage of your traffic came from Facebook, but you won’t be able to tell which post, page, link, or ad it came from.

This means you have very few details about the sources driving your website traffic.

As a result, when you add UTMs to your URL, you can make better marketing decisions and improve ROI.

The only problem? In order to maintain your UTM data, you’ll have to create spreadsheets and then manually store your campaign links. As you can imagine, things can get complicated and messy, especially if you share this data with your team.

A tool like can help you fix this problem. allows you to build, share, and sync UTMs with your team so that you can have cleaner data, resulting in better campaign results.

With, you can use a bulk builder to create multiple campaign links at once, save all your links in the link dashboard, and use the free Chrome extension to build links faster and easier.

Below is an in-depth 18-minute video review of where I explain the importance of adding UTMs to your links, and then do a detailed review and walkthrough of

Note: If you don’t have time to watch the full video, just scroll down to find relevant time-stamps for this video, so you can only watch the part you’re interested in. Also, don’t forget to check out the lifetime access deal on at AppSumo. More details on that below.

[Update: The AppSumo deal is now sold out. That said, AppSumo keeps repeating deals on interesting tools like, so be sure to revisit this page or check out our AppSumo deals section for more details. In the meantime, if you’re interested in using, please visit their website and sign up for their free plan.]

Subscribe to the 99signals YouTube channel for more reviews, walkthroughs, and tutorials of some of the most popular business tools and software on the market.

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The Ultimate Guide to Google Tag Manager (2022) Thu, 20 Sep 2018 08:49:49 +0000 Wondering how to make the best use of Google Tag Manager to track traffic and conversions on your website? We've got you covered. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about Google Tag Manager. We'll also provide step-by-step tutorials for creating two of the most essential tags in Google Tag Manager: Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.

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The Ultimate Guide to Google Tag ManagerIf you use multiple pixels and tools to track traffic and other events on your website, then you’d know how complicated and confusing the whole process can get.

Enter Google Tag Manager – this nifty tool from Google makes it much easier to install and track multiple pixels on your website.

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In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Google Tag Manager. We’ll also provide step-by-step tutorials for creating two of the most essential tags in Google Tag Manager: Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.

Let’s dive in.

Here’s what this guide will cover:

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is a free tag management system which allows you to manage all your tags without editing code.

Using Google Tag Manager, you can quickly add and update your own tags for conversion tracking, site analytics, remarketing, and more.

Google Tag Manager - 99signals

Here are some of the key benefits of using Google Tag Manager:

  • Accurate and reliable data collection
  • Easy to use
  • Integrated with all the major Google and third-party tags for web and mobile apps
  • Enables efficient collaboration across your organization
  • Saves time and keeps all your tags organized

How is Google Tag Manager Different from Google Analytics?

Google Tag Manager - Tutorial

Image Credit: Google Marketing Platform

Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics are completely different tools.

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system where you can add and update different scripts and pixels to track any behaviors on a specific website and then send those behaviors to different tracking tools, including Google Analytics which then saves that data.

Google Analytics is just one of the tracking tools Google Tag Manager can be integrated with. It can also be integrated with other third-party tracking tools such as comScore, CrazyEgg, Segment, LinkedIn Insight, etc.

Google Tag Manager Tutorial: Setup and Integration with Google Analytics

The first thing you need to do is set up a Google Tag Manager account. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth setup:

Step #1: Visit the Google Tag Manager website and click the “Start for Free” button.

Next, you’ll need to enter your account name, country, your website URL, and where you’d like to use your Google tag (Web, iOS, Android, AMP).

Google Tag Manger Tutorial - Step 1: Enter your account name, country, your website URL, and where you'd like to use your Google tag (Web, iOS, Android, AMP). 

When you’re done, hit the ‘Create’ button.

Step #2: Next, you’ll be shown Google Tag Manager’s Terms of Service agreement. Accept the terms and click the ‘Yes’ button.

Step #3: Next, you’ll be given be given two codes: one needs to be copied and pasted high in the <head> tag of your page and the other code needs to be pasted immediately after the opening <body> tag.

Google Tag Manager will give you two codes: one needs to be copied and pasted high in the <head> tag of your page and the other code needs to be pasted immediately after the opening <body> tag. 

Once you’ve done that, click ‘Ok’.

Pro Tip: If you use WordPress, then I’d highly recommend you install the free ‘Insert Headers and Footers’ plugin. This plugin lets you insert codes (including Google tag) to your site’s header and footer without the need to edit your theme files.

Step #4: Now that your account is setup, you’d want to set up your first tag.

From your Google Tag Manager dashboard, click the ‘Add a New Tag’ button. Then click anywhere in the ‘Tag Configuration’ box.

Google Tag Manager - From your Google Tag Manager dashboard, click the 'Add a New Tag' button. Then click anywhere in the 'Tag Configuration' box.

Here you’ll be shown all the available tag types, including Google tags (Google Analytics, Google Ads, etc.), custom tags (Custom HTML, Custom Image, etc.), and third-party tags (CrazyEgg, LinkedIn Insight, Bing Ads, etc.)

Google Tag Manager Tutorial: Here you'll be shown all the available tag types, including Google tags (Google Analytics, Google Ads, etc.), custom tags (Custom HTML, Custom Image, etc.) , and third-party tags (CrazyEgg, LinkedIn Insight, Bing Ads, etc.)

In this example, we’ll focus on tracking our tag in Google Analytics.

Step #5: In the next step, select ‘Google Analytics – Universal Analytics’ as the tag type. In the new window, select ‘Page View’ as the track type from the drop-down options and then click on ‘Select Settings Variable’ -> ‘New Variable’.

Here, you need to enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID. Once you’ve done that, hit the ‘Save’ button.

Next, click anywhere on the Triggering box and choose a trigger. I chose ‘All Pages’ as the variable because it’ll allow me to track page views for all pages on my website.

Google Analytics - Google Tag Manager Tutorial

Once you’re done, hit the ‘Save’ button and rename the tag.

Step #6: Click the ‘Submit’ button and you’ll be taken to the ‘Submission Configuration’ page. You’ll see two options on top: ‘Publish and Create Version’ and ‘Create Version’.

Google Tag Manager Tutorial by 99signals

I chose ‘Publish and create Version’ because I’m ready to push my tag to all the pages on my site.

Next, give a version name and description to keep your tags organized. Once you’ve done that, click the ‘Publish’ button.

When you’re done, you’ll be taken to the ‘Versions’ tab where you can see the version changes, activity history, etc. Now click the ‘Workspace’ tab on top.

You’ll notice that Workspace changes are back to zero which means you’ve successfully created your first tag in Google Tag Manager.

Pro Tip: Once the tag is published, make sure you install a free Chrome extension called Google Tag Assistant. Once it’s installed, you can visit any page on your website to see if the tags you inserted are firing correctly.

How to Install Facebook Pixel with Google Tag Manager

Now that you’ve integrated Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager, let’s install Facebook Pixel using Google Tag Manager.

The best part about Facebook Pixel integration with Google Tag Manager is that you don’t have to manually set it up as you did with Google Analytics above. Facebook will do that work for you.

Just follow these steps to ensure a smooth and hassle-free integration:

Step #1: Login to your Facebook account and head over to Facebook Ads Manager.

From here, navigate to All Tools -> Events Manager -> Partner Integrations.

Facebook Pixel Integration with GTM

Step #2: Here, you’ll notice various integration options from five different categories. Scroll down till you find Google Tag Manager under Tag Management.

GTM Integration - Facebook Pixel

Click the ‘Google Tag Manager’ option.

Facebook will open a new window where you’ll be prompted to select the Facebook Pixel you’d want to track (in case you’ve multiple pixels setup on Facebook) and connect your Google Tag Manager account.

Facebook Pixel Integration with GTM - Step 2

Verify and confirm the settings, and you’re all set.

It’s as simple as that. Install the free Facebook Pixel Helper Chrome extension to validate your pixel installation.

Visit a few pages on your website and see if the tag is firing correctly.

Final Thoughts

As you can imagine, Google Tag Manager can be used for a lot more than just tracking your web traffic in Google Analytics. This guide was an attempt to familiarize you with the tool and to help you get started by installing two of the most necessary tags on your website.

Try setting up other tags (Twitter Analytics, LinkedIn Insight, etc.) using Google Tag Manager and make the whole process of tracking traffic and conversions on your website smoother and more efficient.

For additional info on Google Tag Manager and in-depth tutorials, refer to any of the resources below:

If you liked this article, please share it on Twitter using the link below or any other social channel using the social share bar on the left.

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