Webinars Archives - 99signals Sandeep Mallya's SEO and Marketing Blog Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:01:00 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.99signals.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cropped-99signals-favicon-logo-150x150.png Webinars Archives - 99signals 32 32 10 Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips to Boost Earnings [Article + Webinar] https://www.99signals.com/actionable-affiliate-marketing-tips/ https://www.99signals.com/actionable-affiliate-marketing-tips/#comments Mon, 30 Jul 2018 15:54:53 +0000 https://www.99signals.com/?p=7934 Recently I collaborated with SEMrush to do a webinar on the topic ‘Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips to Increase Your Earnings’. I had a great time sharing my own affiliate marketing experience and talking about a few tips that have helped me generate a nifty passive income for the last two years...

The post 10 Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips to Boost Earnings [Article + Webinar] appeared first on 99signals.

10 Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips to Boost Earnings [The Complete Guide + Webinar]Recently I collaborated with SEMrush to do a webinar on the topic ‘Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips to Increase Your Earnings’. I had a great time sharing my own affiliate marketing experience and talking about a few tips that have helped me generate a nifty passive income for the last two years. I also loved participating in the Q&A session at the end where I learned a few new things myself.

If you missed the webinar, you can watch it below or you could scroll down for a detailed recap of all the tips discussed during the webinar.

I’ll start by briefly sharing my own affiliate marketing experience and then elaborate on the 10 actionable affiliate marketing tips discussed during the webinar. Hope you find it useful.

My Experience with Affiliate Marketing

I have a little over two years of experience in affiliate marketing. So I’m relatively new compared to some of the stalwarts in the blogging space who have earned millions through affiliate marketing. For me, blogging is still a side hustle and will probably remain that way for some time as most of my time is still devoted to servicing my clients at my digital marketing agency.

But over the last two years, I’ve realized the true potential of affiliate marketing and how it can skyrocket your earnings in a short period of time, provided you’re willing to put in some hard work and create content that adds value to the blogging community.

SEMrush was one of the first affiliate marketing programs I joined back in 2016, partly because I had been using it for quite some time at my agency. At the time I was also using Moz, one of SEMrush’s main competitors and I was convinced SEMrush was a far superior product. I just did a quick search on Google and found there were no comparison articles for Moz and SEMrush, so I decided to give it a shot in my freshly minted marketing blog 99signals.

The response I received was overwhelming and in a short time I was ranking at #1 for keywords ‘SEMrush vs Moz’ which had a monthly search volume of 350. I was also rewarded by SEMrush’s affiliate program BeRush for writing the article and was beaming to find an extra $100 in my bank. And thus began my affiliate marketing journey.

SEMrush Article of the Month

Since then, I’ve joined several affiliate programs and earned a decent side income each month. For more details on my affiliate earnings, check out my monthly income reports. But to give you a fair idea of the earning potential that accompanies affiliate marketing, here’s a summary of my affiliate earnings for some of the programs I’ve joined in the last two years:

  • SEMrush – $23,115
  • AppSumo – $20,336
  • Other Programs – $15,000+ (includes affiliate commissions from KWFinder, Serpstat, NinjaOutreach, ConvertKit, AWeber, and more)

I was able to earn this modest income through trial and error method and by following some of the basic blogging and affiliate marketing principles which I’ll reveal here down below.

Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing

Before we delve into the tips, I’d like to share a couple of quotes: the first one from David Ogilvy, the father of advertising, and the second one from Gary Vaynerchuk, entrepreneur/influencer/hustler as well as Founder/CEO of VaynerMedia.

There’s a reason why I selected these quotes for the presentation on affiliate marketing and I’ll get into that later, but here are the two quotes.

David Ogilvy on Advertising

Ogilvy - Advertising Quote

Gary Vaynerchuk on the Importance of Storytelling

Gary Vee Quote - Storytelling

Now why did I choose these quotes? Because they perfectly encapsulate what we as bloggers need to do to stand out amidst the chaos that is affiliate marketing.

The first quote is on informative advertising by David Ogilvy. Here’s the truth: affiliate marketing is a form of advertising. You are advertising affiliate products on your blog, trying to convince your readers as to why he/she should invest in a particular product. If you’re not informed about the product you’re advertising, then you’re going to have a tough time earning commissions via affiliate marketing. So keep that in mind when you decide to create content for affiliate products on your blog.

Now let’s dive deeper into the second quote which is from the serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk. The quote is on the importance of storytelling in marketing. You may be the most informed person on Earth when it comes to the product you’re promoting on your blog. You may even know more about the product than the CEO. But if you can’t package your information into a story that your readers can relate to, then you may struggle with affiliate marketing.

So let’s summarize the key points we learned through these quotes:

  1. Be one hundred percent informed about the product you’re promoting.
  2. Engage and captivate your audience with storytelling. Weave a story around the information you’ve obtained about the product and capture your readers’ attention.

In addition to these two qualities, the most important quality you must possess while doing affiliate marketing is perseverance. Stop chasing instant gratification. Affiliate marketing is a long-term commitment which requires a combination of smart work and hustle. But if you play your cards right and persevere, you’ll eventually be rewarded.

So without further ado, let’s explore the 10 actionable affiliate marketing tips to increase your earnings.

10 Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips

1. Promote Products You Already Know and Trust

This is a basic tip, but it’s a crucial one. When I launched my wellness blog in 2015, I made the mistake of joining affiliate programs of products that I didn’t use and to be frank, didn’t even trust.

I had a few popular meditation articles on the blog which were driving decent AdSense revenue, and I thought I’d give affiliate marketing a try.

I was using the meditation app Headspace at the time and since it didn’t have an affiliate program, I decided to join affiliate programs of meditation apps that I didn’t really know much about. Therefore, the recommendations I made were dishonest and it didn’t get me anywhere. Furthermore, I’m pretty sure I alienated some of the loyal readers at my blog.

So don’t repeat the mistake I made. If you’re new to affiliate marketing, be selective with the products you choose to promote on your blog. You wouldn’t want to lose your audience because of these lousy recommendations.

Furthermore, it will be easier for you if you decide to promote a product you already use and trust. This will allow you to be more comfortable and confident in your recommendations and you will also appear genuine.

According to Rakuten Marketing, 80% of brands utilize affiliate marketing. So chances are that the product you’re currently using in your niche already has an affiliate program. In most cases, you can just visit their website and scroll to the footer section to find a link to their affiliate program. Or you could give a Google search on “[product name] + affiliate program” and see if they have an affiliate program.

Mangools Affiliate Details

But what if none of the products/services you currently use have an affiliate program? What do you then? What if you have no choice but to join affiliate programs of products you haven’t used before? Well, in most cases, these products will offer you a free trial to test out the features. The solution is to sign up for a free trial and evaluate all the key features and note all the drawbacks or scope for improvement.

Once you have a complete understanding of the pros and cons of using the product, you can then proceed to recommend it on your blog if you genuinely feel it will help your audience.

But remember: be honest and confident in your recommendations. Be one hundred percent informative about the affiliate product you’re recommending and be ready to answer questions from your readers.

2. Just Promote 2-3 Products (at First)

Once again, this is a tip that’s relevant for affiliate marketing beginners. This is because when you’re new to affiliate marketing, it’s often tempting to join as many programs as you can to see what clicks for your blog and kickstarts your earnings.

Here are three major problems with this approach:
  • You will dilute your focus and end up promoting products that are not the right fit for your blog
  • You will risk alienating your audience with so many recommendations
  • Your unfamiliarity with the products you’re promoting will invariably result in you losing trust with your audience and will significantly impact your affiliate earnings as well.
If all these things happen to you when you’re just starting out, it’s easy to get demotivated and give up on affiliate marketing altogether.

This is another mistake I was super guilty of making with my wellness blog. I joined a plethora of affiliate programs and ended up promoting products that were just not the right fit for my audience. As a result, I lost engagement and didn’t earn any passive income for all my efforts. Waste of time and a massive waste of my readers’ time.

But I learned from my mistakes and when I starting promoting affiliate products on 99signals, I zeroed in on products that I already knew and trusted and focused on creating content for these products on a regular basis.

Here’s a list of all the content pieces I’ve created for SEMrush so far:

SEMrush Resources at 99signals

The SEMrush affiliate income of $22,000+ is largely because of the number of new articles I’ve been able to roll out for SEMrush on a consistent basis.

Follow the same focused approach with your blog and you should see results soon.

3. Use Affiliate Marketing Tools

Now let’s talk about some serious stuff. The first two tips are pretty basic, more like affiliate marketing best practices. But in order to maximize your earnings, you need to use the right affiliate marketing tools. In fact, using the right tools can make or break your affiliate marketing momentum.

So here are the 3 affiliate marketing tools I’d recommend:

  1. ThirstyAffiliates
  2. Genius Link
  3. AdSanity

Let’s examine each of these tools in detail.

#1 ThirstyAffiliates

ThirstyAffiliates - WordPress Plugin

One of the first things you should do after joining an affiliate program is link cloaking.

Link cloaking essentially helps you convert those long, ugly (and spammy) looking links into shorter links that are more visually appealing to users. Furthermore, link cloaking also protects your commissions from theft and allows you to easily insert your affiliate links in blog posts.

And the tool that I use for link cloaking is a WordPress plugin called ThirstyAffiliates.

The best part about this tool? It’s free!

Yes, there’s a paid version of the plugin which gives you additional features and advanced analytics, but the free version has all the essential features to help you flourish with affiliate marketing. Upgrade to the Pro version only if you’re in need of advanced analytics.

Click here to start using ThirstyAffiliates for free

#2 Genius Link

Genius Link - Affiliate Tools

The second tool I’d recommend is Genius Link.

Genius Link is incredibly useful if you’re going to promote Amazon or iTunes affiliate products on your blog.

With Genius Link, you can automatically optimize your Amazon affiliate links for international shoppers, making sure every user gets to the right item in their local storefront and you get credit for those sales. However, this is a paid tool and you’ll be charged $2 for every 1,000 clicks.

Click here to start your 14-day free trial of Genius Link

#3 AdSanity

AdSanity Plugin

The third tool I’d recommend for affiliate marketing is AdSanity.

I’ll be honest though. I’m not too big on banner ads on my blog. You will see very few of them here as I find them annoying. But if you’re keen on using banner ads, then you need a tool like AdSanity, a WordPress plugin that helps you with strategic placements of banner ads throughout your site.

AdSanity is a paid WordPress plugin and the pricing starts from $49/year. Click here to learn more

4. Publish Long Form Content

Long form articles don’t just provide tons of value to readers but they are currently dominating search rankings. Backlinko analyzed one million Google search results to find that the average word count of a Google first page result is 1,890 words.

In the webinar, I spoke about the study conducted by SerpIQ in which they found the top 10 Google search results to be dominated by pages containing over 2,000 words.

Long Form Content Study

This rule applies to affiliate marketing as well. You’ll find lots of short form affiliate articles that don’t provide enough information and value to readers. Differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack by publishing high-quality long form content that delivers value to your readers.

But don’t just publish long form articles because they are the trend currently. Do sufficient research on the topic you’re writing on, use the right keywords with a decent search volume, and then dive deeper into the top 3 ranking pages for the targeted keywords.

Side note: If you want to save time and effort, you can use SEMrush’s SEO Content Template for this task. This tool provides you with basic SEO tips to help you create content that’s better than your competitors’ for your targeted keywords. Click here to learn more on how to utilize this tool for blogging.

Once you’ve analyzed the top ranking pages, focus on creating content that’s both better in terms of quality and depth.

5. Create a “Resources” Page

Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income calls the “resources” page the most important page on your website. I couldn’t agree more. It’s a great technique to earn passive income and provide value to the blogger community at the same time.

On this page, you can curate all your favorite tools, software, and resources that have helped you in your blogging journey so far. Furthermore, it’s something you can create as soon as you join a few affiliate programs.

Not all links on the resources page need to be affiliate links. Be genuine in your recommendations; feature products that you currently use even if some of them don’t have active affiliate programs, and provide a full disclosure at the top. Keep updating this page as and when you start using new resources.

I used to have a long resources page where I had listed 100+ tools and resources, but I found very little traction on this page. Perhaps it was too overwhelming for users, especially the ones who were visiting my site for the first time.

Therefore, I have a short resources page now where I don’t have more than ten recommended products. I still have the long resources page on my blog but I’ve converted that into a blog post which I keep updating regularly.

Resources Page - Blogging Tips

I’d suggest you try experimenting with both and see what works best for you.

6. Collaborate with Affiliate Brands

Most of the affiliate programs you’ll join will have dedicated affiliate managers for your account. In some cases, they’ll reach out to you to offer mutually beneficial offers like exclusive coupon codes for your readers or a free trial to boost sign ups and affiliate sales.

99signals SEMrush Promo 2018

SEMrush is a great example of a brand which values its affiliates and therefore, has dedicated affiliate managers to help you at every step of the way to make sure you maximize your earnings.

I’ve been working with Hilary for the past few months and we have collaborated several times to promote exclusive offers for 99signals readers and she has also helped me reach a wider audience through this webinar. Before Hilary, there was Victoria who also did an awesome job and is now my affiliate manager at another SEO platform, Supermetrics.

But not all affiliate managers will be as supportive or forthcoming as the team at SEMrush. At least not until you reach out to them. So you need to be a little proactive and connect with your affiliate managers to see if they can help you with exclusive coupons or other mutually beneficial collaborations.

You may need to generate a few leads in order for them to help you out, but there are a few brands who are willing to help new affiliates.

In most cases, you’ll find these affiliate managers to be very friendly and willing to help you out in any way possible. But just make sure you reach out to them and open channels of communication rather than waiting for them to write to you.

7. Use Smart Bars and Exit Intent Popups

In order to promote the exclusive offers you snagged with the affiliate brands, you need to use opt-in forms and other widgets on your website to drive awareness.

But tread carefully – Google hates popups. And sadly, most popups ruin the user experience of your site. Which is why I recommend using Smart Bars and Exit Intent Popups which are perhaps the least intrusive popups you can find.

A smart bar basically sits at the top of a page like this and you can trigger it when the user scrolls down the page.

Smart Bars - Blogging Tips

On the other hand, popups that are activated using exit-intent technology are triggered at the precise moment when a user is about to leave your website. So once again, it’s less intrusive than some of the other annoying popups out there.

OptinMonster Review - Exit Intent Technology

Here are the 3 lead generation tools I’d recommend to create these popups and widgets:

  1. Sumo – Sumo provides you with a suite of powerful tools to increase your traffic and build your email list. You can start using Sumo tools for free which will give you basic access to all the tools within Sumo, including smart bars. To learn more about Sumo, check out my detailed review.
  2. OptinMonster – A bit expensive, but the popups look extremely professional and you can choose from a wide variety of designs. Unfortunately, they don’t provide a free version. The pricing starts from $9/mo. Click here for my in-depth review of OptinMonster.
  3. GetSiteControl – This is the tool that I currently use on my blog, so you may find a few widgets here and there, prompting users to subscribe for email updates or to activate free trials using coupon codes.

8. Promote Affiliate Assets

In addition to creating content of your own to promote affiliate products or services, you can also use some of the assets created by the affiliate brands themselves to help you spread the word.

Just login to the affiliate dashboard of the respective program and look for assets that they’d like you to promote on your site. In most cases, you’ll find assets like eBooks, infographics, courses, etc. which you can promote via social channels.

There are several brands out there who’d like to help their affiliates earn money through some of the special assets they have created for this purpose. For instance, FreshBooks, ConvertKit, and AWeber go the extra mile by offering new affiliate assets like case studies, eBooks, courses, blog posts, infographics, etc. to help their affiliates.

ConvertKit Affiliate Assets

Use social media scheduling tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to share these affiliate assets with your audience on social media on a periodic basis.

9. Create Content Upgrades

An effective technique to provide a greater value to your readers and also grow your email list at the same time is to create content upgrades for your affiliate articles.

Ideally, you’d want to create content upgrades for some of your popular affiliate articles – the ones that are generating the maximum clicks, conversions, or revenue.

Content upgrades can be any of the following:

  • eBooks
  • Podcasts
  • Checklists
  • Webinars
  • Case Studies

Follow this 5-step content upgrade framework to create the first content upgrade on your blog.

The 5-step Content Upgrade Framework

  • Step 1: Identify a high-traffic/high-conversion affiliate article on your website
  • Step 2: Identify a type of resource that would make this content better. Ex: eBook, checklist, infographic, etc.
  • Step 3: Create the resource
  • Step 4: Add the resource to your site and promote it using smart bars and exit-intent popups
  • Step 5: Grow your email list and establish authority.

I’ve created several content upgrades at 99signals, including in-depth how-to guides for SEMrush and Serpstat.

Content Upgrade Examples

To learn more content upgrade ideas, check out this article by Sumo.

10. Use Heat Maps

Heat Maps allows you to see where people are (or not) clicking on your site.

With this information, you can move your affiliate call-to-actions (CTAs) to make them more visible within your content.

Sumo includes Heat Maps in their suite of services and it’s free. Once again, identify your most important pages with affiliate content and activate Heat Maps to start recording clicks.

This is what a typical Heat Map will look like once you’ve activated it on one of the pages on your blog.

Heat Maps Sumo

Once you’ve activated Heat Maps on a particular page, it will show you the latest clicks from users on that page in real-time.


So these are the 10 techniques which have helped me earn passive income through affiliate marketing at 99signals. To summarize, here are the 10 affiliate marketing tips once again:

  1. Promote products you already know and trust
  2. Just promote 2-3 products (at first)
  3. Use affiliate marketing tools
  4. Publish long-form content
  5. Create a “Resources” page
  6. Collaborate with affiliate brands
  7. Use smart bars and exit-intent popups
  8. Promote affiliate assets
  9. Create content upgrades
  10. Use heat maps

You can check out the webinar slides here and save it as PDF to view it offline:

If you liked this affiliate marketing guide, please share it on Twitter using the link below or on other social channels using the social bar on the left.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below and I’ll try my best to answer all of them.

10 Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips [Pinterest]

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The post 10 Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips to Boost Earnings [Article + Webinar] appeared first on 99signals.

https://www.99signals.com/actionable-affiliate-marketing-tips/feed/ 2
Best SEO Webinars to Attend in 2018 [Past & Upcoming SEO Webinars] https://www.99signals.com/seo-webinars-2018/ https://www.99signals.com/seo-webinars-2018/#comments Tue, 26 Jun 2018 14:58:09 +0000 http://www.99signals.com/?p=6091 Do you attend SEO webinars? If you don't, it's time you reconsider. SEO webinars provide a wealth of information not just for beginners, but also for SEO veterans. Here's a list of some of the best SEO webinars you should attend in 2018.

The post Best SEO Webinars to Attend in 2018 [Past & Upcoming SEO Webinars] appeared first on 99signals.


Best SEO Webinars to Attend in 2018Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in January 2018 and has been updated regularly for freshness, accuracy, and relevance.

Do you attend SEO webinars? If you don’t, it’s time you reconsider. SEO webinars provide a wealth of information not just for beginners, but also for SEO veterans. Best yet, most of the webinars include hands-on tutorials and walkthroughs on how to boost your website’s SEO and rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs).

To make it easier for you to keep track of all the webinars in 2018, we’ve compiled a list of the best SEO webinars. The list was first created in January 2018, and since then has been updated on a regular basis to accommodate past and upcoming SEO webinars.

A majority of these webinars are organized by SEMrush, so you can also head over to the webinars section of their website to check out all the past and upcoming webinars they’ve organized this year. Rest of the webinars in this list are from renowned SEO and content marketing brands such as Search Engine Journal, BrightEdge, and Content Marketing Institute. We’ll be doing a webinar with SEMrush as well and you can find details of the webinar below.

So without further ado, here are some of the best SEO webinars you should check out in 2018.

(Note: We’ll update this page as and when we learn of new SEO webinars. So be sure to bookmark this page and revisit at a later date. In case you missed any of these, there’s a link below the description of each webinar that gives you access to the recap.)

SEO Webinars in 2018

Upcoming SEO Webinars [September – October]

1. Using SEO Keyword Research to Drive Affiliate Sales [SEMrush Webinar]

SEO Keyword Research Webinar

When: Sep 18 at 09:00 PDT

Webinars, email lists, guest posting, launch a podcast. The online world is full of people giving you advice for how to grow your affiliate income, and while many of them are fantastic channels they often miss the big one – how to generate a consistent audience of website visitors who can buy what you recommend.

In this SEMrush webinar, John Doherty, founder of GetCredo, will show you how to identify the keywords that you can specifically target to help you drive audience and revenue, and even feed into the other affiliate strategies that so many talk about.

Register for this webinar

2. Top Link Building Mistakes In-house SEOs Make That Kill ROI [Search Engine Journal Webinar]

SEJ Webinar October 2018

Building high-quality links is never easy. You need to know which websites to target, what type of content to offer, how to reach out to your prospects, and a whole lot more! The process can be difficult to understand especially for beginners in the SEO field.

Want to shorten your link building learning curve and start getting results like the pros?

Join this SEJ & ThinkTank webinar and learn the top mistakes that in-house SEO professionals make when building links and how to avoid them.

In this webinar, you will learn actionable tips for:

  • Improving your outreach strategy
  • Planning your content strategy
  • Future proofing your backlink profile.

Register for this webinar

3. Local SEO: 10 SERP Features SMBs Can Influence [SEMrush Webinar]

Local SEO Webinar by SEMrush

When: Oct 9 at 09:00 PDT

Earning any SERP feature will gain your website visibility, credibility, or both. This webinar will show how SMBs can influence and change these key search result features. You will learn how to add features to your Knowledge Panel and the organic results on Google that will help boost your reputation, increase your click-through-ratio and significantly increase the website traffic.

Register for this webinar

Past SEO Webinars [Jan – August]

1. Getting to Grips with AEO: Answer Engines are Here to Stay [SEMrush Webinar]

Getting to Grips with AEO: Answer Engines are here to stay

When: September 4 at 09:00 ET

Google is evolving rapidly into an answer engine, aiming to offer one single, objectively “correct” result for a given user in a given situation at a given time. The SEO industry must adapt its focus to account for this fundamental change in approach by Google, Bing, and Alexa, but also face up to the accelerating rate of change smart machines bring to the search landscape.

This is the first episode of the epic series (5 seasons, 15 episodes) hosted by Jason Barnard. Guests for this episode are Barry Schwartz, Craig Campbell, and Andy Drinkwater.

This SEMrush webinar will answer many questions about the state of affairs, identify the challenges facing the industry and set the scene for the rest of the series.

Register for this webinar

2. Research & Outreach: Influencer Marketing Tactics That Work [SEMrush Webinar]

Outreach Webinar

When: Aug 16 at 12:00 ET

Great outreach builds friendships. Bad outreach hurts your reputation.

Listen in as Neal Schaffer and Andy Crestodina discuss practical tactics and tell real-life stories, from both sides of influencer marketing.

One hour after signing in, you’ll be filled with ideas and examples of how to find and connect with the influencers that can power your marketing.

Check out the Webinar Recap

3. Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips to Increase Your Earnings [SEMrush Webinar]

Actionable Affiliate Marketing Tips to Increase Your Earnings

When: July 24 at 3pm IST

Affiliate marketing is perhaps the most popular and effective way to monetize your blog. It can not just help you gain passive income, but also help you build meaningful relationships with some of the top brands in your niche.

In this webinar, Sandeep Mallya, Founder of 99signals and Startup Cafe Digital, will talk about his own experience with affiliate marketing and share actionable tips to grow a steady affiliate income from your blog.

Watch the Webinar Recap

Bonus: Check out the accompanying article for this webinar

4. How to Build Links on a Smaller Budget [SEMrush Webinar]

SEMrush Webinar - July 2018

When: July 18 at 9.30pm

This webinar will cover which tools are free or low cost, discuss how to maximize your link development budget, and explore ways to create great content and push it to the right people without breaking the bank.

The next episode of a popular series hosted by Julie Joyce. No presentations, panel discussion. Open for all public questions!

Watch the Webinar Recap

5. Influencers and Media Partners: How to Amplify the Reach of Content [SEMrush Webinar]

SEMrush Webinar - Influencers and Media Partners

When: July 19 at 9.30pm

Smart marketers work with influencers to increase visibility. But genius marketers add media partners to the mix to get far greater reach.

Lee Odden comes to share this approach in this webinar. Lee will explain how influencers fit within digital PR and how a media partner can multiply your results, in social and ultimately, in search. 

Watch the Webinar Recap

6. Voice Search – Future Trends, How to Get Started, Early Adopters Who are Doing a Good Job [SEMrush Webinar]

Voice Search Webinar

When: August 9 at 6.30pm PT

The future of search is at an exciting time right now. With 50% of searches predicted to be voice by just 2020, Kevin Gibbons will share some of the recent trends and experiments that he has been involved in to make sure that you can be at the forefront and capitalize on the huge potential of voice.

The webinar will be hosted by David Bain and the panel discussion speakers will include Kevin Gibbons from BlueGlass, Purna Virji from Microsoft and Nick Wilsdon from Vodafone. 

Watch the Webinar Recap

7. Faceted Navigation and SEO

Faceted Navigation SEO Webinar

When: July 26 at 6.30pm PT

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In this webinar, Barry Adams will show real-world examples of faceted navigation done right, and highlight some of the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them. You’ll learn how to configure a faceted navigation solution that works for both users and search engines and helps drive relevant organic traffic to your website.

Watch the Webinar Recap

8. The Ultimate Webinar Series to Master SEO [BrightEdge]

BrightEdge Webinar Series

When: 1st webinar on June 27 and the last webinar on August 8

This is a 4-part webinar series organized by BrightEdge which aims to take your knowledge from beginner SEO to advanced technical SEO. These webinars will be conducted between June 27 to August 8. Click on the button below for more details and to register for all four webinars.

Watch the Webinar Recap

9. Show Me the Links! Internal Links [SEMrush Webinar]

When: June 20, 2018

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Wondering how to maximize your internal link power? Curious about the role internal links play in a better user experience, more traffic, and better rankings? Tune in to hear from Andy Drinkwater, David Cohen, and Moosa Hemani. 

Click here for the webinar recap

10. The 90 day Challenge to Build the Authority of Your Website [SEMrush Webinar]

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In this webinar, the SEMrush team goes through a brief presentation followed by a discussion with some SEO and traffic experts on steps you should take. You’ll walk away with a list of practical tips you can implement in your business to increase authority and traffic.

Click here for the webinar recap

[irp posts=”1123″ name=”5 Proven Ways to Increase Domain Authority of Your Website (and Improve Your Rankings)”]

11. How to Invest in Your SEO for the Highest ROI [SEMrush Webinar]

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  • How to invest in your SEO to yield the highest ROI
  • The biggest mistake most businesses make when investing in their SEO
  • How to measure your return on investment
  • Why thinking long-term yields the greatest returns
  • Why SEO is different from other marketing channels such as paid ads

Click here for the webinar recap

12. Common International SEO Challenges & How to Prevent Them [SEJ Webinar]

When: April 25

SEO is complex enough when implemented in a single language, but entering foreign markets and doing international SEO adds further challenges that can make the pursuit prone to missteps.

In this webinar, the renowned international SEO experts, Bill and Motoko Hunt, discuss how international SEO disasters can be prevented by identifying the common challenges practitioners often encounter.

Click here for the webinar recap

13. How to Create Content That Earns Links & Increases Your Traffic 316% [SEJ Webinar]

SEJ Marketing Webinar

When: April 18, 2018

Wouldn’t you love to see an in-depth case study where someone builds a ton of awesome links and also manages to boost their traffic?

Scalable link building is hard enough. You need to pinpoint the right audience and deliver authoritative content to meet their pressing needs, and then earn enough such links to make a dent in your goals.

And, as if that weren’t enough, you also want to see sustained positive effects on site visits over time.

Seem impossible? It’s not! This webinar will show you how!

In this SEJ webinar, North Star Inbound’s founder Nicole DeLeon offers advice on how to leverage white hat link building to improve your backlink profile as well as earn traffic.

Click here for the webinar recap

[irp posts=”1159″ name=”Link Building in 2018: 14 Proven Techniques to Get High Quality Backlinks”]

14. Show Me The Links! What Makes a Link BAD? [Webinar by SEMrush]

Link Building Webinar by SEMrush

When: April 12, 2018

This is 5th episode in the SEMrush series “Show Me The Links”. What makes a link bad? Bad, toxic, spammy, irrelevant you name it.

The webinar discussion revolves around bad links, whether you need to take action, and what to do about them.

Click here for the webinar recap

15. What Analyzing 1,000 Businesses Told Us About SEO and Site Design [SEMrush Webinar]

SEMrush Webinar March 2018

When: March 15, 2018

Business owners rely on web-design firms to build their websites and help manage their online presence. Both owner and designer can evaluate the visual appearance of a site; the technical side of a site is a different matter. Here there is a large gap between the business owner’s knowledge and that of the designer.

For the most part, technical elements are hidden from view. Though hidden, they have a great impact on a website’s health. Chris Weickert recently published a research study on this issue, Tom Casano is an SEO-guest and Daniel Butler (Technical Director of The Bannermen) will cover web designers’ angle.

Click here for the webinar recap

16. Boost Your Content Reach and Engagement: Why, Where, When & How [Webinar by Search Engine Journal]

Boost Your Content Reach and Engagement: Why, Where, When & How

By now, just about everyone recognizes the importance of generating high-quality content that customers want and need. However, too many brands are still making one critical mistake: they’re assuming that just churning out loads of content is enough.

It isn’t!

Did you know that more than 60 percent of all content is never used, viewed, or downloaded?

Let’s face it: Content only has value if audiences can find and consume it. And ideally, they should care about it, too.

The best content marketing strategy can only go as far as content amplification efforts will take it.

But how do you increase your brand’s reach and encourage your audience to engage and move seamlessly through your marketing and sales funnel?

In this webinar, Christopher Hart and Corinne Schmid of ScribbleLive share the fundamentals of content amplification and audience engagement.

This webinar covers:

  • The rise of interactive, visual and mobile content
  • Actionable insights on how to amplify your content reach
  • How to develop an engagement SEO framework for increased ROI
  • Audience growth and nurture strategies

Click here for the webinar recap

17. SEMrush 101

SEMrush 101

When: Feb 26, 2018

These SEMrush tutorial demonstrations are conducted in the style of a typical webinar and are designed to help current and prospective users of SEMrush alike navigate, understand and leverage our data in order to maximize your return on investment.

Click here for the webinar recap

18. SEMrush for Content Marketers

SEMrush Webinar Feb

When: Feb 14, 2018

There are many challenges for content marketers when it comes to planning and writing, which is why SEMrush has an all-in-one toolkit for content marketers. To make sure you get the most out of SEMrush‘s content marketing tools, the team is holding the webinar ‘SEMrush for Content Marketers’ to guide you through several steps of content marketing workflow.

During this session, Customer Success Specialist at SEMrush, Svetlana Kharlanenkova, will talk about:

  • Analyzing and optimizing existing content
  • Discovering fresh ideas to produce the copy that gets noticed
  • Finding the right keywords for better ranking
  • Making your content SEO friendly
  • Distributing your content
  • Measuring content performance and adjusting your content strategy.

Don’t miss the opportunity to beef up your content marketing workflow with SEMrush tools!

Click here for the webinar recap

19. How to Choose the Right Link Building Agency [Search Engine Journal Webinar]

SEJ Webinar - Feb 21

When: Wednesday, February 21 at 2PM ET

Hiring a link building agency is a good option if your company doesn’t have the in-house skills needed to implement a link building campaign.

But choosing the right link building agency to partner with isn’t always as easy as it seems.

The world of link building can be a shady place. Ghosting, deception, spammy “quality,” zero follow-through – these are just some of the issues you might encounter if you happen to partner with the wrong agency.

So just how do you sort through who’s legit and who’s not?

On February 21, SEJThinkTank webinar will feature Nicole DeLeon and Andrea Pretorian of North Star Inbound who will share insights on what to look out for when vetting and working with a link building agency.

Click here for the webinar recap

20. Show Me The Links! Local Link Building in 2018

Local Link Building Webinar

When: Feb 13, 2018

Link building, in general, is hard but building local links has its own set of challenges. Are reviews being used to determine local rank? Is any link a good link provided it’s from a site close by? Which local linking tactics should you invest time and money in?

Debra Mastaler will be joined by Andrew Shotland (Founder and CEO of LocalSEOGuide.com), Mike Ramsey, and Myles Anderson (Founder & CEO of BrightLocal.com) to answer these questions and more on Local Link Building in 2018.

Click here for the webinar recap

21. 6 Strategies for Viral and Evergreen Content [SEMrush Webinar]

Evergreen Content Webinar by SEMrush

When: Jan 24, 2018

Content marketers understand the power that great content has to pull in an audience and grow a business. But when you’re faced with a blank page and a big goal for the reach of your next content campaign, it can be hard to know where to start.

In this session, Nadya Khoja discusses 6 principles and guidelines for creating contagious content that grabs attention, grows your brand, and expands the top of your marketing funnel.

Click here for the webinar recap

[irp posts=”3685″ name=”How to Create Shareable Content: 7 Proven Tactics”]

22. The Insider’s Guide to SEMrush – On Page SEO Checker [Webinar by SEMrush]

On Page SEO Checker Webinar by SEMrush

When: January 23, 2018

In this webinar, Krista Tidman (Customer Success Manager at SEMrush) will be showcasing the On Page SEO Checker tool on SEMrush.

If you are new to SEO or just looking for a deeper understanding of how SEO actions can help your website, this tool will become your new best friend!

Click here for the webinar recap

[irp posts=”4835″ name=”5 Best SEMrush Features for Bloggers”]

23. Link Building in 2018 [Webinar by SEMrush]

Link Building Webinar by SEMrush

When: January 10, 2018

Learn everything you need to know about how Google’s new mobile-first index may affect the way you build links.

Industry veteran Debra Mastaler will be joined by Jon Cooper and Paddy Moogan to answer your questions about effective link building in 2018.

Click here for the webinar recap

24. 2018 Content & SEO Predictions [Webinar by Content Marketing Institute]

When: Wednesday, January 10 at 2PM ET

CMI Webinar

Content & SEO are constantly changing, and if you’re planning to have a killer 2018, it never hurts to cultivate a little foresight.

On January 10th at 2PM, join Robert Rose, Seth Besmertnik, and Wil Reynolds as they discuss their 2018 Content & SEO Predictions and the coming changes in our industry, including:

  • Content & SEO merging into one discipline
  • Search data becoming a KPI for overall business performance and potential
  • How new and massive growth will come from just 10% of content
  • A new industry-wide focus on content’s “lifetime value”

Click here for the webinar recap

25. Video SEO: How to Double Your Traffic This Year with YouTube & Video SEO [Webinar by Search Engine Journal]

When: Wednesday, January 24 at 2PM ET

Video SEO Webinar

Every content strategy should have a video SEO plan in place. If you don’t have one yet, you’ll be missing out on a huge source of traffic in 2018. This webinar will help you fix just that!

In this webinar, you’ll learn how you can fully leverage high-quality video content to boost your marketing efforts, engage both leads and customers, and improve your organic traffic.

This webinar presentation will cover:

  • How you can start taking advantage of video in 2018
  • The video SEO strategy you need to be using to maximize your efforts
  • How to create an engaging YouTube channel that gets thousands of views
  • How to rank video on YouTube and Google
  • Tools to shortcut your success

Click here for the webinar recap

[irp posts=”7589″ name=”The Only 5 SEO Tools You Will Ever Need”]

26. How to Grow Your Organic Traffic without New Content or Backlinks [Webinar by SEMrush]

When: Wednesday, January 24 at 2:00 PM ET

SEMrush Webinar Jan 19

In this webinar, Eric Siu (CEO of digital marketing agency Single Grain) will show you how you can realistically grow your organic traffic without having to acquire more links or writing a bunch of new content.

This webinar covers:

  • The power of repurposing and upgrading posts
  • Why internal links still matter
  • The simple way of using Google Search Console to amplify your page clickthrough rates
  • How to go beyond Google Search Console

Click here for the webinar recap

This list will be updated as and when we learn about the latest (and interesting) SEO webinars. So be sure to bookmark this page!

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